Moringa Leaf Powder

Price: £9.99

Brand: Kiki Health

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Kiki Health Kiki Health Organic Moringa Leaf Powder

Moringa leaf powder is notably high in natural protein, 23g per 100g powder. It contains eight of the essential amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. 100% pure leaf powder

Kiki Health Organic Moringa Leaf Powder, Moringa oliveira, is a bright dark green colour with a fresh earthy flavour described as similar to spinach. The moringa tree has many uses in traditional medicine in Asia and West Africa, and produces edible pods, with a taste resembling asparagus. However, the tree is especially valued for its nutrient-rich leaves, high in iron, magnesium and potassium. Kiki Health organic moringa leaves are harvested from organically grown trees in India. The leaves are harvested once in 30 to 45 days; ensuring that young, tender leaves are selected. The leaves are sorted, washed for 30 seconds, drained, and 'shadow dried' in shade between 23 to 30C until dry and brittle. The leaves are then ground to give a fine powder.

How to use:
Moringa Leaf Powder can be used in cakes, soups or sprinkled over salad. It is a delicious addition to any green smoothie or juice.

100% raw ingredients
100% moringa
shadow dried leaves (not oven dried)
no additives

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